I had a lot of fun last night cooking dinner for my pumpkin and babe sister! It was great to be able to just spend time with them. Well, they were doing homework, but I was enjoying myself! After dinner, we popped in some episodes of "The Office" which my wonderful pumpkin introduced me to! It's so funny! My roomie Teenia and I always get the theme song stuck in our heads! What made watching it even more awesome was the fact that we projected it on the wall! Maybe picture quality wasn't as great, but it was neat to be watching a projector instead of a tv. Next will be Teenia's Wii game - Just Dance!
I know I tend to ramble about random and seemingly unimportant or very cliche things on here, but oh well, it's my blog, hahaha. I'm really enjoying myself thus far in my junior year and I hope it continues. I really feel like I'm growing into my adult person now, which is exciting. Life is quite grand! Well my little blog readers, I shall leave you to your day as I continue to bask in the warmth of these last few days of summer and shuffle through my iTunes.
Heehee, cute kitty!

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