Thursday, September 16, 2010

And I guess that's why they call it the blues

I'm feeling sort of down this morning. While I won't go into detail about exactly what it is, I will say, why can't things just click? Like, I know what I'm supposed to do, I understand it in my head, why can't it come out of my instrument the way it should? My teacher says I'm making progress, but I'm just not feeling successful like I was at the end of last semester. I guess it's just a matter of working all the harder and it'll get there. It's just easy to feel defeated when everything just doesn't get better.

Anyways, it's too lovely of a day to sit and worrying and complain about things. I hope everyone enjoys their day!

Maybe I need to start "struttin' that butt" (yeah, I don't say bad words, hahaha)

1 comment:

  1. It's difficult to see your own progress. Honestly, I didn't think I made that much progress over the summer. But during my first lesson, Stusek told me that I had made a ton of progress over the summer, especially with regards to my tone. So... You'll never see your own progress because you hear it every day. And often times it seems like you're even getting worse. But just remember that the only day that goes without progress is a day when you don't play at all.
