Thursday, November 11, 2010

Music makes me do the things I never should do!

Greetings, blog readers!
It has been quite awhile since my last post. The end of school is very close, so crunch time is upon us! I've been up and down a little with my clarinet playing these past few weeks, but I feel like I'm on the road to success now! I do get frustrated with my playing sometimes, but I don't really let it affect the rest of my day. I don't really see the point in becoming that upset over a not so great day at playing. My thoughts are, I am still an undergraduate, learning and growing as a musician. And in reality, I've only began playing "correctly" just 3 years ago. That's not a long time. If I was already the best clarinet player, there would be no reason for me to be here. But I am here, and I'm here to learn. Unfortunately when we learn, sometimes we have to go through rough spots to come out stronger and better. It's the same thing with my studies. Even when I thought I could never become good at ear training, I didn't let it get me down (ok, maybe I let it a couple of times, hahaha). I learned from my mistakes, and ended up passing every semester with an A or B. Keeping a good attitude about life in general will take you farther than anything, I've come to realize.
This week was the NCMEA conference. I absolutely LOVE conference time! I enjoy getting to see familiar faces and meeting new people....people who might one day help me get a teaching position! On Tuesday I attended two clinics on beginning band. They were so helpful and insightful. I can't wait to start teaching hopefully middle school band! Really, I wouldn't mind teaching middle school chorus either. I'm so excited to have the opportunity to share my passion with students. It's a great feeling to be able to say, "I helped a child love music!"
Well, it's about time for me to head down to the recital hall to the Casella concert. My pumpkin is playing in it and has a very big solo in one of the pieces! He is a fabulous musician (and teacher), and I can't wait to hear him shine! And I get to see his family which is always a wonderful thing! I will try my best to update more often as we come into my favorite time of the year.....the holiday season! Cheers!

This picture is for my pumpkin!