Monday, October 11, 2010

Lincoln and Chocolate

Wow, it's been awhile since I've updated this! My days have been pretty busy this past few weeks. Right now we're on fall break. For me it hasn't been much of a break since I've been on a trip to Washington, D.C. with the UNCG Teaching Fellows! I got up super early Saturday morning at 5 am to get on the bus with everyone else and begin our journey. It was really great, because the UNCG School of Education paid for this trip. We got to our hotel (the Hilton :0) Saturday afternoon, then we went to the play "Shear Madness" at the Kennedy Center that evening. It was a pretty funny play that involved audience participation. It was sort of like a murder mystery where the audience votes who committed the murder. Whom ever the audience decides is the murderer, that's how the actors play it out. So the next night the play could be different. Still, I would have rather seen the National Symphony Orchestra playing that night. Sadness. We spent the rest of the evening (and into the wee hours of the morning) walking around the city at night looking at the monuments and exploring. It was great fun! The next day was all to ourselves for self-exploration. I visited the Holocaust Museum which was very humbling. We also visited several of the Smithsonian Museums and the National Archives. We had an amazingly delicious dinner at Hard Rock Cafe and then turned in early for the night. This morning, we checked out of the hotel and then spent a couple of hours at the Arlington National Cemetery. It's always been a humbling experience for me to visit there and see all the lives that fought for my freedom that I enjoy. We had lunch at Pentagon City Mall and then started the long bus ride back to Greensboro. Overall, it was a great trip with some of the most amazing and fun people I know!

Now it's just time to relax at home and then tomorrow I'll see my pumpkin who's been away to Iowa! I've really missed him and can't wait to see him! Until the next major happening in my life....


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