Thursday, October 21, 2010

Once you get past the naked factor...

My goodness, it's been awhile since I've updated. There really has been a lack of things to blog about....rather a lack of things appropriate to blog about. There's been a lot of drama in my life with a particular person that my friends and I have had to deal with. I don't feel like I should go on and on about it here because 1) it's not really appropriate or professional to do so and 2) this is a happy blog! (well, for the most part!). So for the most part, the rest of my life has been pretty groovy.

I'm hitting a spot in my clarinet playing again that's frustrating me. Although this time I don't feel like it's so bad. Rather than bore you with all the details of clarinet technique and what I'm doing, let's just say I need to be listening more to my sound. I really concentrated on listening to my sound a few weeks ago, and it came! Lately though, I've concentrated on keeping my jaw down and keeping the space open in my mouth....not the sound. So I didn't realize that I was undervoicing (which means my tongue is low making the pitch too low for my non-music peeps) until my lesson today. It's just frustrating to be at a good place and think you're finally getting somewhere, then all of a sudden you're a step back. It doesn't help that my reeds have been horrible this past two weeks, which can be blamed on many factors, but I also shouldn't have gotten to that crisis point. My goals this week are to listen and really express myself and make color happen in the music. I will get this!

We have a marching band competition this Saturday which I am looking forward to! It's really satisfying to see the students I've been working with put their all on the field and hopefully be rewarded for their hard work. Even if we don't place at awards, it's just fun to see the kids perform and enjoy themselves. I'm so glad to be a part of that and can't wait for the future when I have my own students feeling that excitement.

Speaking of the future, I had my advising appointment today and I'm taking 19 credit hours next semester! Oye. Well, I did 19 last semester so I'll make it through somehow, lol. Lots of prayer and hot tea! And some Just Dance right before bed, hahaha.

You're probably wondering what's up with my title. Well as I was walking up to the music library where I'm currently at, I randomly heard someone say this and it made me giggle on the inside. I love when little things like that can make you laugh and brighten your day. Well folks, it looks like my blogging for the day has come to an end. Enjoy life until your eyes and my blog meet again!


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