Thursday, November 25, 2010

"Gobble Gobble" Means "Happy Thanksgiving" in Turkey!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

I'm so glad we have a day set aside to be with family and/or friends and remind ourselves what we are thankful for. Sometimes we don't take the time to think of all the ways we've been blessed throughout the year. I know personally, I should thank God much more everyday for all the blessings his given me. So in honor of this day, I'd like to make a list of the some of the things I'm thankful for (I'm sure I won't think of everything!).

Firstly, I am thankful for my family who have raised me, stood by me, and have always supported me for the past 20 years. They are the reason I am the person I am today. My parents have set such an example for me to live by. My little babe shew has been the best sister one could ask for. I don't know what I would have done without her at times.

Someone I am especially thankful for this Thanksgiving is my wonderful boyfriend, Drew. He is such an amazing person. I am constantly blown away with the love and kindness he shows me and others everyday and how he is always there for me. He inspires me to be a better person each day. He is truly my best friend. I love how we can laugh and play with each other, but I can always go to him and talk about more serious things. I smile each day just thinking about the things we can share together and grow closer to each other. I love you pumpkin!

To all my friends, I am truly thankful. Without some of my friends, I don't know how I would have made it, especially in college. All of the fun times at lunch, helping each other with homework, and just being there as a soundboard for all the things frustrating us has helped me more than they'll ever know. I appreciate all my friends for giving me the opportunity to learn about people and experience things that have helped shape me as a person. You guys are great!

I am thankful for music. Music has been a constant in my life and has helped me connect with myself and others. It is my passion, especially when you combine teaching with that. I'm thankful that I am able to go to college and be in such an incredible music program that will allow me to one day teach music to children.

There are so many things I am thankful for; food on my table for every meal and then some, a safe living environment, having things that I want but didn't really need, medical care, and having people protecting our country both overseas and right here at home. I'm sure there's so much more I'm leaving out.

I encourage everyone to think about the things they are thankful for tell them to God and to the ones you love. We take so many things for granted, but we aren't guaranteed the life we have tomorrow. It's important to appreciate each day.

I'm looking forward to this weekend of shopping and getting the Christmas decorations out! It's my favorite time of the year! I hope everyone has a blessed Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Oh Shoot! She fell off!

Frosted Flakes could pretty much be the best cereal ever! I'm sitting here devouring some while watching The Office with my roomie, Teenia. We are such nerds. Everything makes us laugh! I'm pretty sure some people would think we were intoxicated if they saw us during our most giggly moments. Hahaha, anyways....

We are so close to the end of the semester! As we head towards the end, I'm working on really solidifying my clarinet playing. I feel like I'm back at a good playing level now. I'm working on becoming very musical with my playing. I feel like I get really bogged down with notes, which actually causes me to not read ahead as well, leading to missed notes or fumbling with notes. I think if I concentrate on trying to be musical, my mind won't concentrate on all the black. Sounds like a plan to me!

This evening is going to be spend relaxing and going to bed here pretty soon. Sorry for the lack of inspirational thought!

Enjoy the Baby Halpert Blog!


Thursday, November 11, 2010

Music makes me do the things I never should do!

Greetings, blog readers!
It has been quite awhile since my last post. The end of school is very close, so crunch time is upon us! I've been up and down a little with my clarinet playing these past few weeks, but I feel like I'm on the road to success now! I do get frustrated with my playing sometimes, but I don't really let it affect the rest of my day. I don't really see the point in becoming that upset over a not so great day at playing. My thoughts are, I am still an undergraduate, learning and growing as a musician. And in reality, I've only began playing "correctly" just 3 years ago. That's not a long time. If I was already the best clarinet player, there would be no reason for me to be here. But I am here, and I'm here to learn. Unfortunately when we learn, sometimes we have to go through rough spots to come out stronger and better. It's the same thing with my studies. Even when I thought I could never become good at ear training, I didn't let it get me down (ok, maybe I let it a couple of times, hahaha). I learned from my mistakes, and ended up passing every semester with an A or B. Keeping a good attitude about life in general will take you farther than anything, I've come to realize.
This week was the NCMEA conference. I absolutely LOVE conference time! I enjoy getting to see familiar faces and meeting new people....people who might one day help me get a teaching position! On Tuesday I attended two clinics on beginning band. They were so helpful and insightful. I can't wait to start teaching hopefully middle school band! Really, I wouldn't mind teaching middle school chorus either. I'm so excited to have the opportunity to share my passion with students. It's a great feeling to be able to say, "I helped a child love music!"
Well, it's about time for me to head down to the recital hall to the Casella concert. My pumpkin is playing in it and has a very big solo in one of the pieces! He is a fabulous musician (and teacher), and I can't wait to hear him shine! And I get to see his family which is always a wonderful thing! I will try my best to update more often as we come into my favorite time of the year.....the holiday season! Cheers!

This picture is for my pumpkin!