I had a great day today getting to see some of my best friends that I met on my Europe trip this past summer! We went to Hanes Mall and shopped around and ate dinner together. It was nice to catch up with what's going on in every one's lives and talk about teaching. And of course all of our hilarious stories from Europe!
I'm a little anxious about the coming semester, but also very excited. I'll be taking 19 credit hours, which I've done before. I'm just worried about getting everything done along with all the teaching I'll be doing next semester. I'll have my internship for MUS 367B and teaching clarinet sectionals at a local HS every Friday. There's also the possibility that I'll be teaching lessons at another HS in Randolph County, and I signed up to teach private lessons through CMENC at a school they are creating to teach at. So busy, busy, busy! But it will be good for me. I've just got to trust that the Lord will bring me through it! Did I mention I also am giving a recital this semester? Scary. Again, I'll get through with God's help.....and a lot of practice!
The new year makes me think a lot about what's coming up. I'm scared about a few things, but I realize God has a plan, regardless of what I want to happen. It's like Drew said in his blog, all we have to do is hand over our lives to God, and he'll take care of us. God won't fulfil His plan for us unless we give ourselves over to Him. That means trusting Him completely, even if we don't understand. God has blessed my life tremendously, all my life. I have no reason to doubt that he will continue to do so.
Well, that's my little ramble for the night. Tomorrow needs to be a productive day so that I'll be ready when school starts back next week. Le sigh. I'm ready to be back for many reasons, but it is always nice to be at home. Anyways, enjoy this funny bunny picture in honor of my haunny baunnies!

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