Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Christmas Time is Here

Wow, I haven't updated in a while. I guess I feel I never have very profound things to say in this blog, so updating is just a bore for whoever reads this thing. But nonetheless, I am updating! Christmas break has been pretty good so far. It started off with a slight argument with my parents, which I believe stemmed from my not coming home as often this past semester. They're coming to the realization that I'm grown up. I'm not the little girl they've had to take care of these past almost 21 years. But things have worked out well, and I definitely needed their care this past Sunday night when I was sick. Oh it was terrible, but it was such a comfort to have my mom and dad right there to help me and bring me anything I needed. I know deep down inside that I'll always need my parents, and I have to remember to be sensitive to the fact that they're always going to need their little girl.

Ok, sorry for the mushy-ness. I do love my parents and think they're pretty much the best that there are. Mom and I are having so much fun planning Christmas activities. One thing I'm especially excited about this Christmas is Drew and his family are coming down Christmas evening for dinner! That's the best Christmas present I could receive. It's going to be nice to have the house filled with people I love! So exciting!

I'm also using the break to prepare myself for my joint recital with Lauren next semester. I'm really looking forward to being able to perform a polished recital. I don't consider myself the best player, but I'm hoping to be able to show off a little. At least show I can make a beautiful sound.

Well, this house still needs cleaning and picking up, and presents still have to be wrapped! An update will happen after all the Christmas festivities are over! I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas!


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