Sunday, October 7, 2012

Fufilling the Calling

Ok, so I haven't blogged in quite some time.  I think it's difficult for me to sit down and type out all the thoughts in my head in a way that is logical for others to follow, haha.  I will attempt to change that starting now. 

Well, college is over.  It amazes me how fast my undergrad went.  There were so many days (and nights) where I wondered, "How will all of this get done?"  "Where is this all going to lead?"  I have found the answers (somewhat).  I'm now a music educator at NWMS!  I teach grades 6-8, band, orchestra, and "Exploratory Music."  It's been a blast so far, despite going home exhausted almost every evening.  It's a good sort of exhausted - the kind that lets me know I'm doing something beneficial.  The school is wonderful, filled with hard working students and faculty.  I'm lucky to be a part of such a high achieving school.  Likewise, the music programs here are very strong and the students enjoy making music.  Since I student taught here last semester, it's been an easier adjustment.  A big change was teaching Exploratory Music to two sixth grade classes.  I have never taught a general music class.  I knew that these students would need something more than what was offered in their elementary general music classes.  So I've had fun coming up with my own curriculum and diving into some deeper aspects of music with the students!  Being a teacher is such an amazing job.  Not only do I get to talk about and do what I love everyday, I get to continue to learn about my passion of music.  The kids teach me about music through the way they play music, listen to music, and talk about music.  Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of frustrating moments.  But when I here my 8th grade orchestra class playing a piece with extreme dynamics, or see the complete joy of my sixth graders' faces when they play "Mary Had a Little Lamb" on their flute, I can't help but smile. 

I have always felt like I received a gift when I was allowed to participate in band and learn how to play an instrument.  My parents fostered that love and talent that I had for music.  I took every opportunity I could to help me grow in music.  Plus it was just fun!  My fondest memories throughout school were those in band and the people that were in band with me.  I thought back then, as I do now, wouldn't it be great if everyone got this experience?  That's where teaching comes in.  When you teach, you give a gift to someone.  I get to give my students the gift of music everyday.  Woah.  I know that everyone who teaches understands this feeling.  Even as I write this, it amazes me how powerful that is.  I have felt my entire life, a calling to teach.  At first I thought it was history.  At one point, I even considered science.  But music has always won out because it is my first love.  I believe God has made this path for me.  Everything that has happened in my life thus far has been a clear path towards music education.  I was able to have extra musical opportunities, music lessons, acceptance to a fabulous school of music, the best education, the NC Teaching Fellows Scholarship, and an abundance of teaching experiences that helped to nourish my love for teaching and confirm my calling.  I do believe this is a calling.  Things don't just work out the way they have by accident.  God has given me this purpose and I feel great responsibility to live up to the potential He has given me. 

I know this post probably sounds like a bunch of cliche "I love music, that's why I teach it," but I was just thinking tonight about how wonderful my life is now because I get to do this everyday.  The path is not always roses though.  I've had my share of difficult times and questioned myself was this the right choice.  But there are so many good days and moments that make me see, wow, this does make a difference for somebody.  I don't care how cliche it is, music is so powerful.  It's done amazing things for me my whole life.  Now I get to see it become a part of my students lives. 

Just some gratitude I'm feeling on this first chilly night in October :).  I hope to remember all that is good when I feel like things aren't going great.  Life is good.  Find what is good in your life at this moment and rest assure that it will lead you to happiness!